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Wednesday 23 September 2020

Movie poster Summary

Poster #1

1995 - Musical or Comedy: The Lion King | Golden Globes

Poster #2

Compare- what is the same?

Firstly,both posters only have one piece of text at the top,which is the title ‘the lion king’.There is no other text visible on any of the pages,making the poster/images themselves stand out more.

Secondly,both posters have enlarged the image of simba,making it the dominant image.This is because Simba is the main character in the movie,and his size and placing indicates that he is the main character and the most important of the characters.

Next,both posters have the same image of the baboon and other characters standing on the rock.This is when Rafiki holds up Simba for the other animals to see in the beginning of the movie.

Lastly,both posters have a bright beam of light in the centre.This draws more attention to that spot,indicating that is important.

Contrast- what is different?

Firstly,both posters have very different backgrounds.One is an orangey red sunset,while the other is a bright blue sky.The poster with the bright blue sky is more happy and calm,while the other poster represents more darkness and stress.

Secondly,in the second poster,the monkey is holding simba up while in the first,he is standing alone.This is again,the beginning scene of the movie where he is held up for the others to see.

Next,Mufasa isn’t in the second poster,while in the first he is faintly in the background.Mufasa is an important character in the series,but he is not featured in the second poster.

Lastly,The main villain of the story is not in the first poster at all.I found this quite strange since he was a very important character in the movie.Maybe it was due to the fact the first one was more calm and bright.


Friday 21 August 2020

The sea cucumber:Summary

 The sea cucumber is an interesting creature.It can change body states-meaning it can go from a liquid to a solid,or the other way around.The sea cucumber can literally scatter itself into pieces to trick predators into thinking it is dead.Then,once the threat is gone,it can reassemble itself and continue on.It can use this ability to squeeze into tight spaces and harden itself onto rocks,making it hard to pry off by predators who are after it.Not only that,but it can also eject it’s intestines and kill the predator with it’s toxic juices.

My Summary of The Sea Cucumber:

The sea cucumber can change the shape or state of it's body.It can scatter it's body into pieces and reassemble later when the threat is gone.It can squeeze into tight spaces/cracks between rocks and harden itself.It can also eject it's intestines and kill their attacker with the toxic juices.

Monday 10 August 2020

Christchurch Street Art


Fin DAC in Mount Maunganui & Christchurch, New Zealand ...

The significance of the objects and character/s.

This piece of art is called 'Kaitiaki'.The main character in this piece of art is a woman holding two birds.The birds are an owl and a kingfisher.

The significance of the colours used.

The colours used are blue,orange,brown and a sort of teal colour.There is also a bit of yellow,orange,purple and white on the feathers and on the cloak.These colours make the image stand out more and pop.The feathers on the cloak also look as though they are the same colour as the birds she is holding.

The location of the Art work and why it's important. 

This artwork is located on the YMCA building,on Hereford road.This way lots of people will be able to see it and admire the work.It's also very brightly coloured and stands out,making it hard to miss.

Here is the artist,Fin DAC,talking about this work:
The bird on the right is a kingfisher or kotare and is found on the South Island where Christchurch is situated.

The owl on the left is called a ruru and they are sacred to Maori culture and synonymous with signs of warning. Given the earthquakes here a few years ago, from which the city is still visibly recovering, I felt it only right to reference the disaster but also to look forward to the future in a way that I can only hope local people will.

Big ups to my apprentice for the week Distranged Design aka Jacob Root (and his parents Jeff and Kelly) for going above and beyond the call of duty.- Fin dac

Monday 3 August 2020

The Magpies Summary

Here is the poem 'Magpies' by Dennis Glover.Below is my summary.
When Tom and Elizabeth took the farm
The bracken made their bed
and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle
The magpies said
Tom’s hand was strong to the plough
and Elizabeth’s lips were red
and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle
The magpies said
Year in year out they worked
while the pines grew overhead
and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle
The magpies said
But all the beautiful crops soon went
to the mortgage man instead
and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle
The magpies said
Elizabeth is dead now (it’s long ago)
Old Tom’s gone light in the head
and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle
The magpies said
The farm’s still there. Mortgage corporations
couldn’t give it away
and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle
The magpies say.

Difficult words highlight YELLOW
Important relevant information PINK


Dennis Glover: ‘The Magpies’ source

When Tom and Elizabeth took the farm
The bracken made their bed
and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle
The magpies said
When Tom and Elizabeth first came to the farm/started living there.The magpies noise.
Tom’s hand was strong to the plough
and Elizabeth’s lips were red
and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle
The magpies said
What Tom and elizabeth did/how hard they worked/what they did.
Year in year out they worked
while the pines grew overhead
and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle
The magpies said
They worked hard.
But all the beautiful crops soon went
to the mortgage man instead
and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle
The magpies said
Crops had to be sold in order to get money for the mortgage.
Elizabeth is dead now (it’s long ago)
Old Tom’s gone light in the head
and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle
The magpies said
Elizabeth died.Tom is light in the head.
The farm’s still there. Mortgage corporations
couldn’t give it away
and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle
The magpies say.
The farm wouldn’t sell and the magpies are still around after Tom died.
Summarise in 60 words minimum 70 words maximum  
Use your yellow bookmark card (Section 4 Summarize) to help you,

Begin Summary here:
First it tells us about when they first arrived and what they did on the farm.Next it explains how hard they worked and how the crops had to be sold in order to get more money for the mortgage.Lastly it tells us that Elizabeth dies first,and even after both of them die the magpies and farm are still there as the farm won’t sell.

Thursday 30 July 2020

Bird mascot

Bird Mascots-The Fantail

Why did you choose this bird?
I chose this bird because it is a very small and friendly bird.They are very friendly with people and enjoy fluttering around and playing in the trees and bushes.I used to see them when I would walk through the wetlands at my grandparents house.

Where is your bird from?
My bird can be found in many different countries.Some of these countries include of course New Zealand and South east Asia.

How big is your bird?
My bird is about 11.5cm to 21cm long.Some species tails can be longer than the body but in most species the tail is longer than the wing.

Here is a google drawing I made of my bird:

Thursday 23 July 2020

Summarising-one of the FAB FOUR for improving literacy

Accelerated Learning in Literacy Term 3

Our class in Year 9 are looking at four main skills we will be looking at this term
to improve our literacy.  The Fab Four skills are: 


A skill that students use to improve their literacy is to be able to summarise
what they see, read, hear, view or watch.

At the start of the term, our teacher Mr McCartney got us to write about our
holidays under the heading BMEPNI - which is an acronym for beginning,
middle and end, positives, minuses and interesting.


Beginning of the holidays 
At the beginning of the holidays,nothing too exciting happened.One of the positives was
getting to sleep in and not having to wake up to my alarm which usually goes off at 7:30
in the morning.Around the first couple of days of the holidays I slept in until about 10am,
which was nice.A positive was getting to draw more and work on my art skills.I got to
practice drawing in different styles and creating my own original characters.I also
remember watching a lot of YouTube and anime in the holidays.I started a series called
Hunter x Hunter and it is now one of my favourites.Although,it is a very long series and it
will probably take me a very long time to finish it.

A negative was not really doing much at home;I would pretty much just watch tv in my room
or draw something (As I enjoy art).Because my baby sister was going to be born soon,we didn’t
go out or do much.

Middle of the holidays
At 4am on Thursday,my baby sister Layla was born.She was born at the hospital while my
siblings and I were asleep at home.My stepdad came in to tell me at night when my mum
went into labour,which was very exciting.Since the new baby had just arrived,my siblings
and I went to go stay at our dad’s house for a couple of days.Having Layla born was definitely
a positive for me.She was and still is a very small baby and even the premature clothes
wouldn’t fit her properly,as they were way to big.

It was definitely interesting having a new baby in the house though as it was very different.
She liked to sleep a lot during the day so pretty much every time we would see her she would
be sleeping.I enjoyed getting to hold her and feed her her bottle though.I do feel kinda bad for
my brother because there is yet another girl in our household.He now has four sisters and no

A negative was definitely the crying at night when she woke up.She liked to sleep all day and
be awake all night,which in turn made my Mum very tired.This was of course a negative.

End of the holidays
A positive was getting to spend so much time with the baby.I really enjoyed holding her and
giving her her bottle.it was a positive getting to watch anime and Netflix in my room from my
phone.I also got to spend more time with my dad,auntie and cousins,as we went to go stay
at my aunties house,as it was down the road from my dads house. My auntie has two children
(My cousins) named Ava and Rory.Rory is two and Ava is three.They are small but really
energetic and love to play.I absolutely loved playing with them.

Layla is quite a calm baby so she doesn't cry too often but when she does it is very loud.We also
ended up finding the chrome cast for the TV on my wall as it had gone missing around the
beginning of the holidays.it was a positive getting to watch anime and Netflix in my room
from my phone.I also got to spend more time with my dad,auntie and cousins,as we went to
go stay at my aunties house,as it was down the road from my dads house. 

My aunties house didn’t have wifi though so I had to watch the shows I had downloaded on my
computer,which pretty much just consisted of the my hero academia series and movies.

A negative though was definitely all of the times where I was bored out of my mind and had
nothing really to do.Another negative would be waking up very early and not being able to
go back to sleep.I also liked to stay up quite late until around 3 in the morning which wasn’t
very good for me.

My original story was 451 words

Then he asked us to choose TWO sentences from each paragraph that were
the main ones for beginning, middle, end, positives, minuses and interesting.

At the beginning of the holidays,nothing too exciting happened.One of the positives was getting
to sleep in and not having to wake up to my alarm.A negative was not really doing much at
home;I would pretty much just watch tv in my room or draw something (As I enjoy art).
At 4am on Thursday,my baby sister Layla was born.It was definitely interesting having a new
baby in the house though as it was very different.A negative was definitely the crying at night
when she woke up.A positive was getting to spend so much time with the baby.

Then, he told us we only had 103 words to summarise the holidays
103 words on the holidays
At the beginning of the holidays,nothing too exciting happened.A positive was getting to sleep
in and not having to get up.A negative was not really doing much at home;I would pretty much
just watch tv in my room or draw something.On Thursday,my sister Layla was born.It was
interesting having a  baby in the house as it was very different.A negative was the crying at night
when she woke up.A positive was getting to spend so much time with the baby.
A negative was all  the times where I was bored out of my mind.                  

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Completed Media studies Stop Motion

This is the Stop Motion Tyra and I created in Media Studies this term.Our message was 'Make media safe for all people/cultures'.We also incorporated a bit of social distancing/staying safe during Covid-19 into our Stop Motion as well.